This WOD is named after my second born son. It is one of the most intense WODs I've done, but also one of my favorites! I PR'd it by over 5 minutes from February, BTW.
21 Push Press 95#
21 Thrusters 95#
21 Front Squats 95#
21 Sit-Ups
21 Double Unders
21 Pull-Ups
21 Overhead Squats 95#
21 KB Swings 1.5 pood
*Between each exercise, you must do 7 burpees.
We did this with 6 people tonight Women's weight Rx'd is 65# and 1 pood.
Oh, and yes, I dropped the bar on my head - AGAIN! this time it really did almost knock me silly.
BEEP'n OH squats!!!!! BEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!!!!!!!!!