Monday, March 4, 2013

Back Squat / Shoulder Press


Shoulder press 3x5
70% of max


AMRAP 16 min


Back squat 185#
Shoulder Press 95#

Wow... 'nuff said.

In other news:

Here's my little guy right after I got back from drill:

Saturday, March 2, 2013



Power Clean / Squat clean
start light, and add 20# each time (3 rep)



21-15-9 Overhead Squats 95#
42-30-18 Pullups

I was a little nervous doing this one - because last time I did, I almost knocked myself out... But I PR'd by about a minute!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Pushups / KB Swings / Lunges

10 rounds

10 ring puships
10 1-arm KB swings 1p
10 lunges 20# DBs

Pretty good WOD

Running AMRAP

AMRAP 12 min

7 power snatch 95#
24 dubs
200m sprint

Finally warm enough to do a running workout

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A "Squats" WOD

For time:

25 back squats 185#
35 pushups
25 front squats 135#
35 situps
25 overhead squats 95#
35 air squats

Got Squats?

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


AMRAP 20 mins

5 handstand pushups
10 pistols
15 burpees

This was a new building, and there weren't any pullup rigs around, so we subbed out the pullups for burpees. Strangely, not the first time I've changed "Mary" around

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Hang Cleans

Hang Clean

2x10 power
2x10 squat

Felt good, but tweaked my back on my last set of power hang cleans

Pullup / Wallball / (Tire) Box Jump

It was snowing outside, but I still decided to do this one outdoors.


Box Jump 24"
Wall Balls 20#, 10'

I did the box jumps on a tire that's 24" high. This was one of those classic-feeling WODs! Twas a good one!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Snatch / Pushup / Dubs


Snatch balance(go heavy!)

9-7-5 Squat snatch 135#
21-15-9 parallette pushup
35-35-35 Dubs

I had to do this one in my little garage, so the dubs were harder than they should have been!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Death by Pushup / Ring Row

Death By Pushup on odd minutes, ring rows on even minutes


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Ring Chipper


Overhead Squat

3-3-3-3-3 60%


50 ring pushups
40 ring dips
30 lateral burpees
50 ball slams 20#
40 1 Arm KB Swings 1p
30 Sandbag Squat 90-ish#
50 good mornings 45#
40 slosh tubs situps
30 plate ground to overhead 45#

*This was not put together very well. My arms were SMOKED through the first part, then my legs, then by midline... on second thought, it was put together very well - depending on how you look at it...

A Different Kind of Tabata


Hammer swings
Sumo Deadlift High Pull 100#
Thrusters 45#

*1 minute in between each lift

This was BRUTAL!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Squat Clean

Squat Clean

*place emphasis on the bottom of the lift

I programmed a TON of squats within the last couple days, and wouldn't you know? Squat Cleans popped up.

...and I got a PR

Overhead Squat / DB Snatch / Situps

16 min AMRAP

1,2,3... Overhead Squats 115#
1,2,3...(ea) DB Snatch 40#
12 situps

In hindsight, the situps were a bit much - on the posterior area.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

C&J / Jerry Holds / Wallball Situps


Push Jerk
EMOM 7 mins, adding 1 each min 70%


5 rds
24-6-8-10 Clean and Jerk 145#
5-10-15-20-25 Wall ball Situp 20#
:10-:20-:30-:40-:50 Jerry Can hold

Arms were TOAST!

Hope for Kenya


Hang Snatches
5-5-5-5-5 at 65%


"Hope for Kenya"
12 min AMRAP
50 Squats
30 pushups
15 pullups

It was nice outside, so we were actually able to do this outside. I liked this one, but it almost felt too short!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Two Couplets


Box Jumps 24"
Plate Ground to overhead 25#



Jerry Can Burpees

Thursday, February 14, 2013




I went heavy with the Deadlifts, but didn't get a PR. Boo..

What Would You Do?

I think everybody, on occasion have  those moments where we ask, "What would I do if...?"

One of these scenarios have been on my mind for a while. I have been helping out at a local gym for the last couple of months. Frankly, they were struggling in pretty much every aspect of running a gym. Their hours were weird, their programming was off (at best), and dangerous (at worst). They had retention problems, and couldn't get anybody in the door.

This is where I stepped in. I wasn't going to run their business, but I felt that I could at least help get the programming and training up to par - which I did...

In fact, I picked up a bit of a following, of sorts. People liked "my" programming, and liked properly being shown form, range of motion, and intensity. (In hindsight, it really wasn't "my" programming, it was proper programming based on proper CrossFit principles.)

While progress was being made in some aspects of this gym, it was faltering in others. I saw the writing on the wall. I knew that it was probably going to crumble eventually, and that somebody would be left to clean up the inevidable mess when the S*#@ hit the fan.

 Well, that day came with less than 24 hours' notice.

After a flurry of texts, phone calls, meetings, and conversations, me and two other guys were able to crudely assemble the framework (albeit, and admittedly made from proverbial toothpicks) for a new garage gym - a refuge, if you will. Yes, within 72 hours the three of us went from having an abstract idea of maybe, possibly, eventually, in the future opening up a gym, to getting the news, finding and prepping a location, locating and acquiring SOME equipment, and prepping appropriate paperwork - all the while, keeping everybody "in the loop"

This story doesn't have an ending yet. Things are still in shambles for the time being. Which leave me the question? If this situation was dumped on you, would you do? Would you let it go? Would you allow the months of gains made by people fall by the wayside? Would you (or COULD you) walk away?

...Or would you throw caution to the wind and start a new gym with nothing more than 72 hours, a few pieces of scattered gym equipment, a location not remotely closely prepared to start classes, no seed money, but an eager client base of 1-2 dozen people, two knowledgeable and eager partners, and a desire to help?

So, What WOULD you do?

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Death by Power Cleans


EMOM, perform 1 power clean. each additional minute, add 1 rep. the WOD ends when you can no longer perform the required reps in 60 seconds.
The athlete may choose their own weight.

I went around 50% of my max. It was a good weight. I probably would've gone a hair lighter, just to make the WOD go longer, but overall, I was happy.